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Dog Days of Summer are Here

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Dog Days of Summer are Here

Dog Days of Summer

Summer days hopefully bring a slower pace. Perhaps the pace slower due to the heat? Or when high temperatures bring outdoor activity to a grinding halt-the Dog Days of Summer are upon us. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, “the phrase is a reference to the fact that during this time, the sun occupies the same region of the sky as Sirius, the brightest star visible from any part of Earth, and part of the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog. Thus, Sirius is sometimes called the Dog Star.” Ancient Romans believed this brightest star (which rises and sets with the Sun on July 23) gave off heat, adding to the sun’s warmth, accounting for the long stretch of hot weather. The twenty days before and after the July 23 alignment (from July 3 to August 11) are known as the Dog Days. Astrologists connected Sirius to heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck; nowadays, this period is known as the hottest and most uncomfortable part of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

Protect yourself from the sun’s rays, and also from summer thundershowers, with a ‘Dog Days’ cane from CANES GALORE! Check out the Chocolate Labrador Umbrella Cane. Or perhaps one of the very popular Alpacca Dog Walking Canes would be to your liking.

May your summer memories fill your heart with joy; ‘warm’ wishes from the staff at CANES GALORE! (Sirius-ly)

1 Comment(s)
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