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Staying Positive as the Pandemic Wears On

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Staying Positive as the Pandemic Wears On

It's mid October, 2020, and the coronavirus pandemic continues to dominate the news and our thoughts. The question arises: When will things go back to "normal?" How can one stay positive amidst the enduring crisis? 

Living and staying in some sort of modified quarantine seems to be the new normal, especially for those of us who are elderly or otherwise vulnerable. 

We are all in this together until the virus can be brought under control. That's a fact we must accept. But as everyone moves forward, slowly accepting the new norm, being safe, learning, and staying positive is the only way to not only survive but to thrive. 

Optimism. Compassion. Hope. Love. Resilience.  These are contagious, too.

Here are five brief tips to stay positive during the coronavirus pandemic: 

1. Mind your input 

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn encourages folks to “stand guard at the door to your mind.” That which we allow into our brain will rule our mind. While it is essential to stay up-to-date with news that is is safety-related, overindulging in it --especially during this particularly divisive election season--causes anxiety and stress. Gather facts to be informed and sift through information that’s only relevant to you. Remember that your input dictates your output. When you take in positive words, your actions and words will also be more positive.

2. Find a hobby 

Perhaps being more of a socially-distant homebody has allowed you to identify free time you never thought you'd have.  Use this opportunity to your advantage. Try a new language, a dance, maybe a new cuisine. No matter the age or status of a person, hobbies can bring you back to your youthful glory, re-igniting the fire and passion, sparking joy and hope. 

3. Pay it forward 

Social distancing does not equal social isolation. There’s always a way to reach out and stay connected. Even in quarantine, one can still make a difference in someone’s life. Whether by donating cash or in-kind or merely lending an ear, giving generously from your heart and expecting nothing in return sows compassion and reaps great rewards, often much much more than what has been given. 

4. Have an attitude of gratitude 

What we center in, grows. Despite everything that’s happening in the United States and around the world, there’s always something to be grateful for. The fact that you have the time and ability to read this article is  something to appreciate. 

Try to see the world with the eyes of a child--full of wonder and excitement. An eye for delight teaches you to be mindful. Appreciating even trivial things such as the feel of the crisp fall air, the rejuvenation of a short nap, or the warming scent of a seasonal baked dish are small things that bring comfort and calm. Make appreciation a habit. Start and end the day by naming two or three things for which you are grateful. It is amazing how quickly a thankful thought can overpower a negative one. 

5. Take a Walk, Outdoors if Possible 

Nature can be a potent healer. In all of her struggles and all of her triumphs, Mother Nature teaches us about life and the importance of being resilient.  Follow the safety guidelines specific to your community and your healthcare professionals and get out to enjoy the  physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits that the outdoors have to offer. 

Take a walk. 

No doubt that these are dark and difficult times, and many of us are struggling. We hope that these simple tips can help bring some light into your outlook and into your life. 

How are you staying positive these days? Please feel free to comment below. 


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