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Mens Fashionable Walking Canes: The Ultimate Accessory for the Dapper Gentleman
Mens Fashionable Walking Canes: The Ultimate Accessory for the Dapper Gentleman

At first glance, Pimp Walking Canes may seem outdated or even offensive. However, these ornate walking sticks have a rich history and are stylish accessories for modern gentlemen. This article will explore the history of pimp canes, the different styles available, and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe.

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Alpacca, canes galore, Fashion, Fashionable Walking Cane, Irish Balckthorn, luxury walking canes, luxury walking sticks, Pimp, Pimp Canes, Sophisticated Walking Cane, Style, Sword Cane, Vintage, walking canes, walking stick, walking sticks, Walking styles, walking with style, wooden canes, wooden sticks
Is Your Shillelagh a Sham? A Closer Look at Ireland's Famed Fighting Sticks
Is Your Shillelagh a Sham? A Closer Look at Ireland's Famed Fighting Sticks
Many Canes Galore followers are world travelers and souvenir connoisseurs, and some of you may have even picked up a Shillelagh (pronounced shuh·lei·luh) or two during a visit to the Emerald Isle.
But is the knobby club a legitimate Irish weapon, or is it a load of blarney?
In the spirit of the upcoming holiday we are pleased to share with you this fun and informative article “Is Your Shillelagh a Sham?" In it, Bridget Haggerty separates facts from fiction with regards to these famed Irish symbols.  
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Irish Balckthorn, luxury walking canes, luxury walking sticks, mobility, St. Patrick's Day, walking cane measurements, Walking styles, walking with style, wooden canes, wooden sticks
How to Care for a Walking Cane
How to Care for a Walking Cane Walking canes and seat sticks are generally robust items suitable for active use. However, a little care and maintenance will improve the appearance of your walking stick or seat and may extend its working life. Some useful tips are as follows.......
Jill Reddell on
luxury walking canes, luxury walking sticks, mobility, walking cane measurements, Walking styles, walking with style, wooden canes, wooden sticks
Dog Days of Summer are Here
Dog Days of Summer are Here Summer days hopefully bring a slower pace. Perhaps the pace slower due to the heat? Or when high temperatures bring outdoor activity to a grinding halt-the Dog Days of Summer are upon us.
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canes, luxury walking canes, luxury walking sticks, mobility, outdoors, relax, Summer, sun, unwind, walk, walking, walking cane measurements, walking canes, walking stick, walking sticks, Walking styles, walking with style, wooden canes, wooden sticks
Memorial Day a Time to Reflect
Memorial Day a Time to Reflect Your Memorial Day holiday plan may be for day of fun and relaxation; but we hope you’ll take a moment to reflect on the sacrifice of the men and women who gave their lives for our precious freedom.
venntov on
Canes, canes galore, Freedom, luxury walking canes, luxury walking sticks, Memorial Day, Military, mobility, Veteran, walking cane measurements, walking canes, walking stick, walking sticks, Walking styles, walking with style, wooden canes, wooden sticks
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